Arina Norloguyanova (artist)
Russia, Moscow
e-mail : arishan@yandex.ru
Тел.: +7 (916) 123 51 39
Buy painting, order a picture, ask a question:
Delivery of paintings
Processing time: 3-5 days
Delivery time: Depends on the choice of delivery!
Picture without frame!!!
The cost of postal delivery in 2019:
The cost of regular postal delivery in United States: watercolor painting - $8
oil painting - $20
The cost of expedited (EMS) postal delivery in United States: watercolor painting - $35
oil painting - $44
The cost of regular postal delivery to the EU countries: watercolor painting - $8
oil painting - $20
The cost of expedited (EMS) postal delivery to the EU countries: watercolor painting - $35
oil painting - $40
The cost of regular postal delivery to other countries: Specify when ordering!
The cost of expedited (EMS) postal delivery to other countries: Specify when ordering!